
English Assignment 3

Selasa, 22 September 2015

Python (Programming Language)

Python is a widely used general purpose, high level programming language.  Its design philosophy emphasizes code readabilityand its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java, The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a large and comprehensivestandard library.
 Python was conceived in the late 1980, and its implementation was started in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language (it self inspired by SETL) capable of exception handling and interfacing with the Amoeba operating system. Van Rossum is Python's principal author, and his continuing central role in deciding the direction of Python is reflected in the title given to him by the Python community, benevolent dictator for life (BDFL).
About the origin of Python, Van Rossum wrote in 1996.
Over six years ago, in December 1989, I was looking for a "hobby" programming project that would keep me occupied during the week around Christmas. My office, would be closed, but I had a home computer, and not much else on my hands. I decided to write an interpreter for the new scripting language I had been thinking about lately: a descendant of ABC that would appeal to Unix/Chackers. I chose Python as a working title for the project, being in a slightly irreverent mood (and a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus).
Python 2.0 was released on 16 October 2000 and had many major new features, including a cycle-detecting garbage collector and support for Unicode. With this release the development process was changed and became more transparent and community-backed.
Python 3.0 (also called Python 3000 or py3k), was released on 3 December 2008 after a long period of testing. Many of its major features have been backported to the backwards-compatible Python 2.6 and 2.7.

Some of the advantages Python is well known for include :
1.      Ease of learning
2.      Portability
3.      Dynamic typing and integration with other languages.
4.      Python does not use any syntax whatsoever, instead tabb and spacing play an important role in program flow.
5.      With the absence of syntax developers wishing to use Python need not learn any new rules.
6.      Developers need only understand the functionality of Python to use it, it is estimated that the development process proceeds 5 to 10 times faster then in other languages such as Java or C/C++. 
7.      With the capabilities of running on most operating system platforms from Windows to Linux to OS X, Python is a language with very few boundaries.
8.      A program written in Python, for one platform, using only the standard libraries can easily be ported to another operating system without need for recompiling or repackaging.
9.      Python is even capable of operating on several types of Nokia cell phones.

One of the main disadvantages of Python is that it is an interpreted language. Most of the other disadvantages of Python deal with the personal preferences of developers.
The disadvantages of Python include:
1.      Language translation
2.      Documentation and the use of modules. Rather then compiling a Python program and then running it, the program is interpreted at runtime. Languages such as Java or C/C++ have over head before the program begins execution so that programs run much quicker, with a Python program the interpreter reads the code and determines what to do while the program is executing.
3.      Python adds the over head on interpretation to the runtime of the program which can lead to a slower runtime. It is estimated that Python runs 1-5 times slower then Java or C/C++.
4.      Because of its lack of syntax Python is an easy language to program in  however it is not very simple to translate a Python program into any other language. The translation from Python to another language would require the user to carefully examine the structure of the code and make sure to implement the same structure using the syntax of the new programming language.

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English Assignment 2

Rabu, 16 September 2015
English Version
A Brief Biography of Thomas Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio (pronounced MY-lan). In 1854, when he was seven, the family moved to Michigan, where Edison spent the rest of his childhood.
"Al," as he was called as a boy, went to school only a short time. He did so poorly that his mother, a former teacher, taught her son at home. Al learned to love reading, a habit he kept for the rest of his life. He also liked to make experiments in the basement.
Al not only played hard, but also worked hard. At the age of 12 he sold fruit, snacks and newspapers on a train as a "news butcher." (Trains were the newest way to travel, cutting through the American wilderness.) He even printed his own newspaper, the Grand Trunk Herald, on a moving train.
At 15, Al roamed the country as a "tramp telegrapher." Using a kind of alphabet called Morse Code, he sent and received messages over the telegraph. Even though he was already losing his hearing, he could still hear the clicks of the telegraph. In the next seven years he moved over a dozen times, often working all night, taking messages for trains and even for the Union Army during the Civil War. In his spare time, he took things apart to see how they worked. Finally, he decided to invent things himself.
After the failure of his first invention, the electric vote recorder, Edison moved to New York City. There he improved the way the stock ticker worked. This was his big break. By 1870 his company was manufacturing his stock ticker in Newark, New Jersey. He also improved the telegraph, making it send up to four messages at once.
Starting in 1878, Edison and the muckers worked on one of his greatest achievements. The electric light system was more than just the incandescent lamp, or "light bulb." Edison also designed a system of power plants that make the electrical power and the wiring that brings it to people's homes. Imagine all the things you "plug in." What would your life be like without them?
A year later, Edison built a laboratory in West Orange that was ten times larger than the one in Menlo Park. In fact, it was one of the largest laboratories in the world, almost as famous as Edison himself. Well into the night, laboratory buildings glowed with electric light while the Wizard and his "muckers" turned Edison's dreams into inventions. Once, the "chief mucker" worked for three days straight, taking only short naps. Edison earned half of his 1,093 patents in West Orange.
By that time, everyone had heard of the "Wizard" and looked up to him. The whole world called him a genius. But he knew that having a good idea was not enough. It takes hard work to make dreams into reality. That is why Edison liked to say, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."


Big Break
Terobosan Besar

Translate Version
Biografi Singkat Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison lahir 11 Februari 1847 di Milan, Ohio (diucapkan MY-lan). Pada tahun 1854, ketika ia berusia tujuh tahun, keluarganya pindah ke Michigan, di mana Edison menghabiskan sisa masa kecilnya.
"Al," biasanya ia disebut sebagai anak laki-laki, pergi ke sekolah hanya dalam waktu singkat. Dia belajar begitu buruk sehingga ibunya, seorang mantan guru, mengajar anaknya di rumah. Al belajar untuk mencintai membaca, kebiasaan ia terus selama sisa hidupnya. Dia juga suka melakukan percobaan di ruang bawah tanah.
Al tidak hanya sering bermain, tapi juga rajin bekerja. Pada usia 12 ia menjual buah, makanan ringan dan koran di kereta api sebagai "news butcher." (Kereta adalah cara terbaru untuk bepergian, memotong jalan melalui padang gurun Amerika.) Dia bahkan dicetak koran sendiri, Grand Trunk Herald, di kereta bergerak.
Pada 15, Al menjelajahi negara sebagai "tramp telegraph." Menggunakan jenis huruf yang disebut Kode Morse, ia mengirim dan menerima pesan lebih telegraf. Meskipun ia sudah kehilangan pendengarannya, ia masih bisa mendengar klik telegraf. Dalam tujuh tahun berikutnya ia pindah puluhan kali, sering bekerja sepanjang malam, mengambil pesan untuk kereta dan bahkan untuk Angkatan Darat Uni selama Perang Saudara. Dalam waktu luangnya, ia mengambil hal-hal selain untuk melihat bagaimana mereka bekerja. Akhirnya, ia memutuskan untuk menemukan sesuatu sendiri.
Setelah kegagalan penemuan pertamanya, perekam suara listrik, Edison pindah ke New York City. Ada ia memperbaiki cara stok telegraf bekerja. Ini adalah terobosan besar. Pada 1870 perusahaannya manufaktur stok telegraf di Newark, New Jersey. Dia juga mengembangkan telegraf, sehingga mengirim hingga empat pesan sekaligus.
Mulai tahun 1878, Edison dan muckers bekerja di salah satu penemuan terbesar. Sistem lampu listrik adalah lebih dari sekedar lampu pijar, atau "bola lampu." Edison juga merancang sistem pembangkit listrik yang membuat daya listrik dan kabel yang membawa ke rumah-rumah penduduk. Bayangkan semua hal yang Anda "plug in." Apa yang akan hidup Anda menjadi seperti tanpa mereka?
Setahun kemudian, Edison membangun laboratorium di West Orange yang sepuluh kali lebih besar daripada yang di Menlo Park. Bahkan, itu adalah salah satu laboratorium terbesar di dunia, hampir sama terkenal sebagai Edison sendiri. Baik dalam malam hari, bangunan laboratorium bersinar dengan cahaya listrik sementara penyihir dan "muckers" mengubah mimpi Edison menjadi penemuan. Bahkan, "chief mucker" bekerja selama tiga hari berturut-turut, mengambil tidur siang hanya singkat. Edison mendapat setengah dari 1.093 paten di West Orange.
Pada saat itu, semua orang telah mendengar tentang "Wizard" dan melihat kepadanya. Seluruh dunia menyebutnya jenius. Tapi ia tahu bahwa memiliki ide yang baik tidak cukup. Dibutuhkan kerja keras untuk membuat mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Itulah sebabnya Edison suka mengatakan, "Genius adalah 1% inspirasi dan 99% keringat."

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English Assignment

Selasa, 08 September 2015

English Version

In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, three Harvard University students, launched a Web site designed to put students in touch with one another, share their photos and meet new people. They called, and before long the site became extremely popular on the Harvard campus. A month after the site launched, the creators expanded it to include students from Stanford, Columbia and Yale. By 2005, students in 800 college networks across the United States could join the network, and its membership grew to more than 5 million active users. In August of that year, the site's name changed to Facebook.
Facebook was originally intended for college students, but today anyone can join the network. Although the site's scope has expanded to include more than just students, its purpose remains the same -- giving people a way to share information in an easy and entertaining way. Like MySpace, Facebook is a social networking site.
To explore Facebook, you must create a free account on the site. Facebook's terms of use state that members must be at least 13 years old, and any member between the ages of 13 and 18 must be enrolled in school. Facebook requires new members to provide a valid e-mail address before completing registration. Once you've created an account and answered a few questions about where you work, where you went to school and where you live, Facebook will generate a profile for you.
Facebook provides several ways to find friends:
·         You can browse and join networks, which are organized into four categories: regions (networks that are linked to specific cities or countries), colleges, workplaces and high schools. Once you join a network, you can browse through the list of members and search for people you know. You can sort people by age, sex, relationship status, political views and other criteria.
·         You can let Facebook pull contacts from a Web-based e-mail account. To do this, you have to give Facebook your e-mail address and password. Facebook uses a program that searches through your e-mail contacts and compares the list against its membership database. Whenever Facebook discovers a match, it gives you the option to add that person as a friend.
·         You can use Facebook's search engine to look for a specific person. Type the person's name into the search field, and Facebook will display any profiles that match the name.

Before Long
Jauh Sebelum
Ruang lingkup

Translate Version

Pada tahun 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz dan Chris Hughes, tiga mahasiswa Harvard University, meluncurkan situs Web yang dirancang untuk membuat mahasiswa berhubungan dengan satu sama lain, berbagi foto dan bertemu orang baru. Mereka menyebutnya, dan jauh sebelum situs tersebut menjadi sangat populer di kampus Harvard. Sebulan setelah situs diluncurkan, pencipta diperluas untuk memasukan mahasiswa dari Stanford, Columbia, dan Yale. Pada tahun 2005, siswa di 800 jaringan perguruan tinggi di seluruh Amerika Serikat bisa bergabung dengan jaringan, dan keanggotaannya berkembang menjadi lebih dari 5 juta pengguna aktif. Pada bulan Agustus tahun itu, nama situs berubah ke Facebook.
Facebook awalnya ditujukan untuk mahasiswa, tetapi hari ini siapa saja bisa bergabung jaringan. Meskipun ruang lingkup situs telah diperluas untuk mencakup lebih dari sekedar mahasiswa, tujuannya tetap sama - memberikan orang tempat untuk berbagi informasi dengan cara yang mudah dan menghibur. Seperti MySpace, Facebook adalah situs jejaring sosial.
Untuk menjelajahi Facebook, Anda harus membuat akun gratis di situs. Ketentuan pengguna Facebook menyatakan bahwa anggota harus berusia minimal 13 tahun, dan setiap anggota antara usia 13 dan 18 harus terdaftar di sekolah. Facebook mewajibkan anggota baru untuk memberikan alamat e-mail yang valid sebelum menyelesaikan pendaftaran. Setelah Anda membuat account dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan tentang di mana Anda bekerja, di mana Anda pergi ke sekolah dan tempat tinggal Anda, Facebook akan menghasilkan profil untuk Anda.
Facebook menyediakan beberapa cara untuk menemukan teman:
·         Anda dapat menelusuri dan bergabung dengan jaringan, yang akan disusun dalam empat kategori: daerah (jaringan yang terhubung ke kota-kota tertentu atau negara), perguruan tinggi, tempat kerja dan sekolah tinggi. Setelah Anda bergabung dengan jaringan, Anda dapat menelusuri melalui daftar anggota dan mencari orang yang Anda kenal. Anda dapat mengurutkan orang dengan usia, jenis kelamin, status hubungan, pandangan politik dan kriteria lainnya.
·         Anda dapat membiarkan Facebook menarik kontak dari account e-mail berbasis Web. Untuk melakukan ini, Anda harus memberikan alamat dan password e-mail Facebook Anda. Facebook menggunakan sebuah program yang mencari melalui kontak e-mail Anda dan membandingkan daftar terhadap database keanggotaannya. Setiap kali Facebook menemukan kecocokan, Facebook memberikan Anda pilihan untuk menambahkan orang tersebut sebagai teman.
·         Anda dapat menggunakan mesin pencari Facebook untuk mencari orang tertentu. Ketik nama orang ke dalam kolom pencarian, dan Facebook akan menampilkan profil yang cocok dengan nama.
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